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Re: [cobalt-security] It's nice

> I went to your website and tried to look at your web pages.... ouch. I
> had stuff all over and in the wrong place. What kind of code are you
> using? I tried looking at the site with netscape (Don't hav IE on
> linux).

ROTFL.... yep.... looks like crap... in ie or nescape....  I noticed that a
little while back...  However I don't expect to many linux boxes with
netscape.  I will work on it....  The site was created "in part" by a
customer that has more graphic skills then I.  He still has to finish up
making buttons and do-hickeys.  Rah...  I let him work on it to pay his bill
and under pressure to have something more then a boring gnu style site.

Also I decided a while back that I would not sell or resell hosting,
co-location, site design, and as you can see... the designers and
programmers don't have much to worry about...  and this makes me a
"non-competive vendor".

I'm just about to blow it all away and offically open for bussiness....
shouldn't be long...
