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[cobalt-security] Approved AFXR

This is something I have touched on before, but don't seem to have it quite
sorted. The message below came from Log Check. I was told that if I entered
in my dns information into the  "Server Settings" of the DNS records for the
domain of my Raq4 through the GUI, that AXFR tranfers from other sources
would not be approved. I have done this, but still occasionally receive a
message similar to the one below.

Mar  9 18:54:38 ns named[420]: approved AXFR from [].4121 for
Mar  9 18:54:38 ns named[420]: zone transfer (AXFR) of "gregans.ie" (IN) to

In a later message from Log Check I received the following message:

Mar 10 18:33:46 ns proftpd[31376]:
([]) - FTP session opened.

Note the same IP address, Should I be concerned?
