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Re: [cobalt-security] Approved AFXR

On 11 Mar 2002 at 17:37, Achieve Website Design wrote:

> Hello,
> This is something I have touched on before, but don't seem to have it quite
> sorted. The message below came from Log Check. I was told that if I entered
> in my dns information into the  "Server Settings" of the DNS records for the
> domain of my Raq4 through the GUI, that AXFR tranfers from other sources
> would not be approved. I have done this, but still occasionally receive a
> message similar to the one below.


I don't run dns on our Raqs, but, on another Redhat machine I have the following in the   /etc/named.conf    file ( Bind 8 as well ):

    options {
        directory "/etc/nameddb";
    	check-names master fail;
    	check-names slave warn;
    	check-names response ignore;

	// start important bit here

    	allow-transfer {				
    		<ip of secondary>;

	// end important bit


