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Re: [cobalt-security] Approved AFXR


> This is something I have touched on before, but don't seem to have it quite
> sorted.

You're not alone; many big ISPs don't even have their DNS straightened out.

> The message below came from Log Check. I was told that if I entered
> in my dns information into the  "Server Settings" of the DNS records for the
> domain of my Raq4 through the GUI, that AXFR tranfers from other sources
> would not be approved.

I stumbled over that last sentence many times (must be my bad), but I think I get your point.

You should enter all IPs in the DNS settings page that are allowed to transfer domains from your box; most notably any secondary DNS machine. # if I recall correctly

There has been discussion here with regards to an extra empty line (<CR> / <LF>; whatever) in that textbox. If it's there, remove it and restart the DNS server just in case.

Then there's discussion in general: is there any point in blocking zone transfers, since "DNS data" is something public? I think there is a point, but I'm not willing to discuss it here as it's *way* OT. ;-)

> In a later message from Log Check I received the following message:
> Mar 10 18:33:46 ns proftpd[31376]:
> ([]) - FTP session opened.

Did you see a "FTP session closed" a couple seconds later? Prolly someone checking for anonymous ftp sites, but you're never sure.

Does logcheck report all ftp sessions?

> Note the same IP address, Should I be concerned?

Always! :-)

Good luck... Nico