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Re: [cobalt-security] RaQ3-RaQ4-OpenSSH-3.4p1-1.pkg

>> [let's say] I'm logged into ssh. I do a ./compile, make and make 
>> install without having to logout or shutdown the existing daemon.

> NO! That's NOT what I said, Jay. This discussion was about the 
> installation of the OpenSSH PKG file through SSH. You can do 
> *that* just fine. 

If you're a 'compile from source' sort of person, here's the steps I'd

0) dowload the tarballs

1) re-enable admin telnet (cross your fingers)  maybe use tcpwrappers
   to only accept 23 from your address.  details left up to reader...

2) sh /etc/rc.d/init.d/stop

3) mv /usr/sbin/sshd /usr/sbin/sshd.GOOD

4) ./configure && make && make test

5) if everything looks kosher, make install

6) ./ssh -v localhost (just to test the installation, via loopback)

7) test the external interface as well by starting a new client from
   your client machine

8) cleanup.  rm /usr/sbin/sshd.GOOD and turn off admin telnet

9) Say prayer of thanks to diety of choice. =)


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