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Re: [cobalt-security] Open ssh connection refused

Perhaps the user directory that you are ssh'ing to has to open of permissions(by default cobalt has 2771 writable by group... notice this is too much permissions for a home directory). try running
sshd -d -d
and run

putty in verbose mode ( don't use putty so can't help you there)

but it seems that when you removed the old version of sshd something was not removed.

also created a separte log in syslog for sshd
auth.info /var/log/sshd.log

notice they have to be tabs
and restartip syslog.


David wrote:

Notes to hopefully help:

1. I found in my Messages log
sshd[16926]: fatal: chroot("/var/empty/sshd"): No such file or directory
So I created /var/empty/sshd
Now when I attempt to SSH in, no more error message. However still no login.

2. When I use SHH client from ssh.com, I get the error: "
Algorithm negotiation failed
Key exchanges with the remote host failed. This can happen for example if the
remote host computer does not support the selected algorithms.

3. What the Heck?
Now, out of nowhere, I am getting login prompt, but password no good.
Message log now contains:
Jun 28 10:59:43 ns sshd[18021]: WARNING: /etc/ssh/moduli does not exist, using
old modulus
Jun 28 10:59:47 ns PAM-warn[18021]: service: sshd [on terminal: NODEVssh]
Jun 28 10:59:47 ns PAM-warn[18021]: user: (uid=0) -> admin [remote:
Jun 28 10:59:47 ns sshd[18021]: Failed password for admin from MyISPaddressIP
port 2105 ssh2
Jun 28 10:59:51 ns PAM-warn[18021]: service: sshd [on terminal: NODEVssh]
Jun 28 10:59:51 ns PAM-warn[18021]: user: (uid=0) -> admin [remote:
Jun 28 10:59:51 ns sshd[18021]: Failed password for admin from MyISPaddressIP
port 2105 ssh2
Jun 28 11:00:00 ns PAM-warn[18021]: service: sshd [on terminal: NODEVssh]
Jun 28 11:00:00 ns PAM-warn[18021]: user: (uid=0) -> admin [remote:
Jun 28 11:00:00 ns sshd[18021]: Failed password for admin from MyISPaddressIP
port 2105 ssh2

4. In reference to my Notes above.
Appears to be when I add /var/empty/sshd I get the message in NOTE #3.
When I remove /var/empty/sshd I get the message in NOTE #1.

Hope this helps.
- david

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