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[cobalt-security] Ipchains and dns - my firewall.

>I haven't messed with iptables much/at all, but 
>it is my impression that each uses different 
>syntax, etc. I don't believe an ipchains 
>"script" will 'just work' if you 
>s/ipchains/iptables/g only.

You're correct, they won't work, IPTables is totally
different from IPChains (and more powerfull). On my
RaQ4 boxes obviously one has to run IPChains since
IPTables requires a 2.4 (or higher) kernel.. I have
two OpenNA systems (http://www.openna.com) and on
those boxes I have IPTables, with a nice add-on
interface called "GIPTables"
(http://www.giptables.org). It makes setting up
IPTables a SNAP! To enable a serive it's just a "yes"
or "no" answer in a simple config file. GIPTables
comes by default with the OpenNA OS distro.. I wonder
if it would work on the 550..? I bet it would work if
someone wanted to give it a try..


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